Forming a 社区 in Residential Dorms

凯利 elaborates on forming community within a residential living space 和 talks about some of her favorite aspects of dorm life.

凯利 elaborates on forming community within a residential living space 和 talks about some of her favorite aspects of dorm life.

What a typical floor community entails

Your first year at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 there are a few options you can make in regards to your living community. 通常, dorm floors at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 house students of all class years 和 gender identities on a single floor, 但我f you are looking for a more specific type of community, 菲律宾十大彩票平台 has single gender floors, substance free floors (no alcohol or drugs allowed, 即使你只有21岁。, quiet floors (I find these floors to be frightening, as I am a naturally loud individual), 而且是新生专用楼层. 在一般情况下, bathrooms are gender neutral, though this is something that residents on the floor vote on to decide.

On every floor there are one to two Residential Assistants. 看到 Katie’s blog on “The Role of an RA” for the specifics of what an RA does for their floor. This past year I had the pleasure of being the RA for the 5th floor of 沃森大厅. One of my largest roles as an RA was to support my residents in any way that I could. There were many late nights spent in the lounge talking with residents about their classes 和 personal lives, 和 the occasional (metaphorical) fire to be put out. An important takeaway is that you are never alone as a 菲律宾十大彩票平台 student. RAs are just one of the amazing resources 菲律宾十大彩票平台 provides to make sure its students are always cared for 和 supported in all aspects of being a college student. Mental, emotional, 和 physical 健康 are prioritized by 菲律宾十大彩票平台 students just as much as 学术支持.


The above photo shows the RAs 和 Area Director (AD) for 沃森大厅. I loved being part of this team 和 getting to know my fellow RAs 和 Oscar my AD, who became one of my biggest role models on campus.

A typical Wednesday night on 5th Watson

It is a 雪y evening in 明尼苏达州诺斯菲尔德. Residents of 5th Watson curl up in their rooms with hot chocolate 和 a book to complete readings for class the next day. The smell of Pear ‘22 cooking ramen from the floor kitchen wafts down the hall. The RA, 凯利 ‘23, arrives back to the floor after her 空手道课 和 finds Edgar ‘22 和 Hugh ‘24 talking about 经济学, yet again, on the lounge couches. Sydney ‘24 st和s at the nearby table, focused on her 陶瓷 项目. The occasional flute melody floats down the hall from where Lily ‘23 practices in her room. 一切都很平静, yet hectic as residents try to finish problem sets 和 readings for the following day. Viv ‘24, for example, must finish her homework early enough so that she can make it to 7:00 AM 游泳练习 准时. At some point in the evening, Anthony ‘21 和 Miles ‘21 float into the lounge to impart wisdom unto the underclassmen. Around 11:30 PM, the residents in the lounge disperse as people head to their rooms for bed.

This is a photo of my resident, Edgar ’22, posing with the cookies I made for Study Break. RAs host Study Break once a week on Sunday evenings to give residents a chance to catch up 和 take a breather from doing homework. My Study Breaks consisted of lots of laughter 和 sharing stories from the week.


I took this photo on the day of the first full 雪fall of the year. Pictured are three of my residents 和 雪bears of various sizes. 因为已经下雪了, I spontaneously texted our floor groupchat to ask if anyone wanted to play in the 雪, 和 of course my residents were down! Afterwards we got dinner from LDC 和 made hot chocolate 和 cookies. Having built in friends 和 雪bear builders is one of the best perks of living in a residential community.


This blog post is just a glimpse into what dorm living is like. To sum it up in one word, I would say it is awesome. Living with a bunch of other college students in a safe 和 happy environment reminds me of being at summer camp as a kid. Some of my best memories at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 are from making friends on my floor, spontaneously baking cookies in the kitchen with them, 和 initiating late night dance study breaks. 

看到 凯利’s previous blog post, Residential Living: The Basics of Dorm Life, for more information on residential living. 或者,看看ResLife的 Frequently Asked Questions page.

凯利 is a rising Junior at 菲律宾十大彩票平台. 她是一个 心理学 major 和 is considering a minor in 认知科学. Her other academic interests include 神经科学 和 教育研究. 凯利 considers Northfield her home as she is spending the summer here as an 菲律宾十大彩票平台 Fellow. Outside of the classroom, 凯利 enjoys hosting programs for her residents as a 居民助理, planning practices for the Womxn’s Club Soccer team where she is one of the captains, 和 playing the cello in the 菲律宾十大彩票平台乐团. 认识其他博主!

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