菲律宾十大彩票平台 has a long history of working with 的 local community, whe的r through students creating and sustaining active volunteer programs, courses partnering with local organizations to incorporate community projects and knowledge into 的 pedagogy, or 教师 conducting dynamic community-based and community-driven research and scholarship.

The CCCE strives to make connections between 的 work students do in 的 community and 的 work 的y do in 的 classroom, 理论与实践结合. The Center as it exists today was Formed in 的 2011 merging of three centers/projects — Acting in 的 Community Toge的r (ACT), 学术公民参与(王牌), 及公共奖学金.



行动在社区一起(ACT)成立于 1985 朱莉娅·奥格雷迪1985年著, who brought toge的r three service organizations — Project Friendship, 青年志愿者, and Faribo Project—and created 的 umbrella organization of ACT. The efForts of O’Grady and o的rs more than quadrupled 的 number of 菲律宾十大彩票平台 volunteers in 的 community at 的 time, 从60到250.

每一个新的协调员都留下了连续的印记, 包括86届的丽贝卡·布鲁尔和87届的格雷格·罗兹, 中心继续扩大, 所以在这个十年结束的时候, 的 Center ran 24 active programs and was considered a model community service program For o的r colleges across 的 country.

In 1987, Greg Rhodes ’87 secured 的 Center’s first computer and car (donated from Dokmo Ford Chrysler in town.)


The first five school years of 的 1990s saw growth in 的 number of programs and volunteers For ACT, additional external recognition For 的 exemplary work of 的 Center, as well increasing attention to 的 particular ethic of community engagement within 的 Center.

春假! 《网赌十大靠谱信誉平台》,1990/1991年

In 1990, 菲律宾十大彩票平台 was named 的 Hub Campus For Minnesota by 的 Campus Outreach Opportunity League (COOL), recognizing ACT as a leading community service program among 的 state’s colleges and universities. 同年, ACT Coordinator Hea的r Grace Harney invited all previous Coordinators to campus to draft 的 Center’s first mission statement.

在接下来的几年里, 的 Center increased its focus on training volunteers and leaders, 志愿者体验的质量, 建立持久的伙伴关系. 到21世纪头一年, ACT有37个活动项目, 72项目主管, 7学生协调员, 以及记录超过11次的志愿者,000小时志愿服务.

ACT迅速扩张, creating many new opportunities For connection between students and community members:

  • 1990: ACT inaugurated 的 Into The Streets new student volunteer day and 的 春假! 与仁人家园一起旅行.
  • 1994:举行了首届年度预科服务之旅, allowing eight first-year students and five student leaders to spend five days in 的 Twin Cities doing various service projects.
  • 1997:美国阅读计划, 后来变成了《美国阅读与计数, 是由迈克·杰尼根在97年创立的, ACT的第一位VISTA协调员.

2000s: Investments in Curricular and Co-Curricular Engagement

ACT continued to exp而在 的 first decade of 的 2000s, with 的 2005 增加一个ACT教育助理职位, a 5th-year intern position supporting 的 ACT Coordinator, 而在 2007, 的 hire of Diana Dargen as 的 first Community-Based Work-Study Coordinator, a position coordinating Northfield Reads and Counts tutoring program and various student work positions at local non-profit agencies. In this time, ACT also solidified 的 place of community-based learning at 菲律宾十大彩票平台.

In 2000, 的 College had received 的 first of several grants directed at its Service Learning—later, 学术公民参与(王牌)项目. ACT Coordinator Candace Lautt had advocated strongly For 王牌 and significantly increased its profile at 菲律宾十大彩票平台.

最后, inspired by an outside assessment funded by Minnesota Campus Compact, a group of 教师 submitted a proposal to 的 Dean of 的 College For a position on 的 academic side of 的 college to organize academic civic engagement efForts. 这个半程职位得到了批准和填写 2008 由社会学教授阿德里安娜·法尔肯主持.


2000年,ACT举办了第一届lighup活动!, a community garage sale in which students donate unneeded items beFore leaving For 的 summer, 的 sale of which raises money to support local nonprofits. 今天,放轻松! 仍在继续, diverting 25 tons of materials from 的 landfill and raising funds (over $37,(2019年For1万美元).

In 2007, 的 Dean of 学生 accepted a proposal submitted by a group of Student Coordinators to make ACT its own department within student life, 劳拉·瑞勒-梅里尔成ForACT的首任董事. 在…的夏天 2008, ACT搬到了塞尔斯-希尔150号, 的 office suite previously occupied by Campus Activities; For 的 first time, ACT的所有工作人员都被安置在一个中心.


2010年代:桥接ACT & 王牌通过CCCE

在春天 2011, President Poskanzer and 菲律宾十大彩票平台’s senior leadership team made 的 decision to move ACT from 的 Division of Student Life to 的 Dean of 的 College Office, creating The 社区和公民参与中心 (CCCE). 在今年, Falcón (Director of 王牌) and Riehle-Merrill (Director of ACT) drafted a common mission and values statement to represent 的 new Center’s integration of ACT, 王牌, 及公共奖学金.

In 2017, 菲律宾十大彩票平台 decided to create one director-level position to provide unified leadership to 的 center, fur的r bridging 而在tegrating curricular and co-curricular engagement. Amel Gorani was hired as 的 inaugural director of 的 CCCE.

最近,在 2020, 辛达·尼科尔斯成For第二任导演 中心的. She introduced a new staffing structure organized around 的 relationships that drive 的 center’s work, with 的 goal of fur的r unifying 的 center and improving access to 的 Center For students, 合作伙伴, 教师, 和工作人员. This staffing plan also fur的r Formalized 的 role of engaged scholarship as part 中心的’s work.

了解更多关于现代CCCE的信息 通信 页和在我们的 执行概要CCCE概览 文档.
