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  • “灵魂之食”主任吉尔·康克林将在菲律宾十大彩票平台的“喂养未来”大会上发表演讲

    Conklin is director and strategic officer of Food for Soul, 一个国际非营利组织,其使命是通过节省浪费的食物和减少粮食安全的障碍,培养一个更公正和可持续的粮食系统.

    Erica Helgerud ’20 8 May 2024 Posted In:
    Headshot of Jill Conklin outdoors.
    Jill Conklin

    吉尔·康克林(Jill Conklin)是这家国际非营利组织的董事和战略官员 Food for Soul他将于5月10日星期五上午10点50分至11点50分在菲律宾十大彩票平台毕业典礼上发表演讲.m. in Skinner Chapel. Her address is titled, “Feeding the Future.”

    “灵魂之食”由马西莫·博图拉和劳拉·吉尔摩创立,旨在通过节省浪费的食物和减少粮食安全障碍,培养一个更公正、更可持续的粮食系统. Conklin directs the organization’s global advocacy efforts, including the Refettorio project expansion and coordination of the Refettorio Network of Partners, whose collective impact has helped transform more than 2,100 tons of food waste into 3.591 million nourishing meals.

    Food for Soul在2015年意大利米兰世博会期间开发了第一个Refettorio项目. 该项目最初是作为一项文化倡议,旨在提高人们对食物浪费对地球的相关影响的认识, social isolation, and the hunger crisis. Since then, Refettorio项目已经发展成为一个以社区为基础的模式,以公民参与为中心,将生态意识设计结合在一起, beauty, and hospitality to enable social, environmental, and economic change. Each week, Refettorio烹饪团队从垃圾填埋场中救出多余的不完美食物, 将食材转化为营养菜单,将食物的经济价值回馈给社区. 康克林于2019年正式加入该团队,此前他指导了该组织在旧金山和奥克兰的扩张研究, California, 这导致了非营利组织“灵魂之食”在美国的501(c)3分支机构的成立.

    作为一名前餐厅和研究厨师以及业务发展主管, Conklin possesses a dynamic set of skills, knowledge, and experience that cuts across the sectors of gastronomy, culinary arts, technology, public health, and strategic development. As a graduate of Johnson and Wales University, 她在食品应用科学和营养学的烹饪学位使她的职业生涯取得了成就, 包括对地中海香料贸易路线和意大利西班牙系犹太人散居意大利的十年研究和烹饪. She has held positions in public policy and civic leadership, 致力于改善国内和全球儿童营养和学校食品计划. Prior to joining Food for Soul, 康克林专注于通过环保技术和包装解决方案将健康食品推向市场, improved USDA commodity processing, menu development, and marketing conceptualization. 她领导了商业和非商业市场的食品安全和危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)培训项目, 他在食品初创企业工作了八年,专注于真空烹调技术.

    Conklin’s personal passion for giving back began at the age of 12, when she worked as a camp counselor for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 她被难民营里年轻人的韧性以及他们对志愿者和援助之手的感激之情所鼓舞. 从那以后,康克林每年都花时间帮助那些最脆弱的人. Over the last 34 years, 她找到了一条独特的道路,将她对食物和文化的热情与她对改善粮食安全的承诺融合在一起, nutrition, and wellness around the world. 康克林也是不列颠哥伦比亚省超级厨师烹饪儿童项目的代理项目顾问, Canada, 为非营利组织的夏季烹饪项目和国际威斯汀“儿童健康饮食”菜单提供建议. 

    Aside from her nonprofit philanthropic work, Conklin has also acted as chair of the Kids in the Kitchen interest section of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP); chair of The Culinary Trust; chair of the Chef’s Table Committee for the School Nutrition Association (SNA); ad-hoc member of the SNA Industry Advisory Board; public relations co-chair for the USDA and Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move, Chefs Move to Schools” campaign; chair of the IACP’s Awards of Excellence; chair of the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) Forum for Ethiopia; and part of the Acting Nominations Committee for GCNF’s Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award.

    A few of Conklin’s culinary experiences and accolades include: sous chef at Kiawah Island Golf Resort in South Carolina; executive chef and culinary educator for Walters Restaurants and ICC education programs in Rhode Island; chef trainer for Kids in the Kitchen and Kids First in Rhode Island; trainer with USDA National School Food Safety and HACCP; U.S. domestic sales manager for Winston Industries, a leading manufacturer of precision temperature cooking equipment; and food development incubator for VC investments for a series of top-tier food manufacturing and processing companies as well as hospitality and cruise brands, 包括与名厨兼企业家卡拉·霍尔的烹饪发展.

    Conklin is the recipient of a 5 Star Dining Award, Euro-Toques Nomination, James Beard House Event Recognition, and food and recipe styling recognition for Flavors + Knowledge. She is also an Emmy winner for PBS New England’s Holiday at the Breakers, Marian Esposito’s Ciao Italia, and the Food Network. She received the 2011 Industry Member of the Year award from SNA.

    This convocation will also be live streamed — please register in advance to receive information on how to attend via Zoom. Carleton convocations are free and open to the public. 查找即将举行的活动和存档录音(包括播客形式) convocations website. 欲了解更多信息,包括残疾住宿,请致电507-222-5461或电子邮件

    每次毕业典礼演讲后,菲律宾十大彩票平台都会与演讲者共进午餐. 毕业典礼午宴由中午十二时至下午一时在校友招待所会议室举行(除非特别注明).m. and is generally limited to 35 people. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP on the convocations website.
