保存日期! 2024年6月3日- 8日是大四周!

参与庆祝, & 连接

The strength and resilience of the Class of 2024 has been truly admirable while you have tackled rigorous academic work, 应对大流行带来的许多未知因素, and missed so many of the traditions that are hallmarks of the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 experience. We aim to honor and acknowledge all that you have achieved and overcome this year and in the past four years. 我们期待在毕业周和 毕业典礼 day as you transition to become members of our alumni community.

The Senior Week schedule has a variety of activities designed to provide opportunities to celebrate, 参与, 和你的同学交流. 随着赛事的最终确定,2024年的时间表正在更新. 经常回来检查,因For计划可能会有变化.

6月3日星期一 | 6月4日星期二 | 6月5日星期三 | 6月6日星期四 | 6月7日星期五 | 6月8日星期六



10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 毕业周腕带分发, 塞尔斯大空间
此登记站适用于在校高年级学生. Check-in is mandatory For all seniors participating in Senior Week. 学生 will receive a wristband that grants access to all events. 带上你的信用卡!

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 泡沫足球 & 袋, 康乐中心运动场
挑战你的朋友来一场“玉米洞/袋子”的游戏. 或者和你的朋友进行5对5的足球比赛! Choose your team and your color; Red or Blue. 保留您的位置! 如果你不提前报名, make sure to wear your wristband For this event to be given priority For day of registrations.


10:00 a.m. “玩得开心。 运行”, 娱乐中心
Run with classmates out to the wind turbine and back (roughly 4-5 miles). 每个参与者都有免费的t恤! 在娱乐中心门口集合. 邀请你最喜欢的老师或工作人员加入你!

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 草坪上游戏, 娱乐中心
Enjoy one last competition with your friends out at the 娱乐中心. We will have a variety of lawn games available from the Campus 娱乐中心.

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 校内的 游戏, 娱乐中心
将有室外和室内活动可供选择. 赢得个人混合泳冠军t恤的最后机会!

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 遗愿清单抱石 & 攀登, 娱乐中心
如果你还没有尝试过攀岩, there is no better time than today to cross it off your bucket list!

9:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. 毕业之夜@ 弗莱厄蒂的北路
需要毕业周腕带. 购买酒类需要政府签发的身份证件. 一卡不能用作年龄证明. 由于场地容量有限,恕不接待客人. This is a private event For the Class of 2024 and closed to the public. 现金酒吧供21岁以上人士使用. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided throughout the night. 高年级学生可以打保龄球, 在游戏厅玩游戏, 在露台上享受各种各样的游戏, 或者就在火坑边放松一下. Shuttle buses will pick up and drop off in front of Willis Hall. 公共汽车将在晚上8点45分开始.m. 并在整个晚上连续循环运行.


倒计时: 还有三天! 星期六我必须什么时候到? 我该在哪里排队? 把所有的 毕业典礼上的细节!

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 高级宴会语言及餐饮中心(LDC)
高级宴会是你第一次参加菲律宾十大彩票平台校友活动. 由你们2024届高级宴会委员会策划, join us under the Big Tent East of the Chapel For an appetizer reception, 校友致辞, 你的班级照片, 和晚餐. Senior class swag and final photos with friends on the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 sign are hallmarks of this celebration. 你可以根据自己的舒适程度,随意着装. 看看去年的活动的背景和灵感!

This is a celebration exclusively For the senior class, so no guests are permitted. 今天晚上食堂不对高年级学生开放. 本次活动由校友关系办公室主办. 需要回复,请按照以下步骤回复.

 请联系 劳拉Majeski 有问题吗?.

9:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. 高级舞蹈, 军械库广场活动中心519, Division Street S.
这是菲律宾十大彩票平台高年级学生和他们的客人的私人活动. 请携带毕业周腕带入场. 提供清淡的开胃菜和无酒精饮料. A government-issued ID and cash/credit card needed For purchase of alcohol. 一卡不能用作年龄证明. Shuttle buses will pick up and drop off in front of Willis Hall, beginning at 9:15 p.m.,并将在整个晚上连续循环运行.

老年人可以参加 一位客人 但必须 完成客人登记 到下午5点.m.6月5日,星期三. 请注意,这是40美元的客人服务费. 未登记的客人及非长者不得入内. 请联系 the 学生活动 Office (x4462) For more inFormation.


倒计时: 还有两天! 有彩排吗?? 我坐在哪里?? 我站在哪里? 把所有的 毕业典礼上的细节!

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 和学生办公室主任一起吃冰激凌, 塞尔斯-希尔校园中心 天井
Stop by and enjoy some ice cream with representatives from the 学生生活部. 欢迎学生和家长.


7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sayles Café snack bar open in Great Space, 塞尔斯-希尔校园中心.

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 点亮生活-在莱尔德球场进行零废物售卖.

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 塞尔斯-希尔校园中心大空间的接待桌. 信息、地图、按钮和茶点. A limited number of wheelchairs are available For use on a first-come, first-served basis. 

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 位于秃点附近的高级艺术品拍卖会.

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 塞尔斯-希尔校园中心书店开业.

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Complimentary light lunch provided in the Language and Dining Center.

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Popcorn Wagon opens and will be located in front of 塞尔斯-希尔校园中心. 

12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Perlman Teaching Museum, located in the Weitz Center For Creativity, hosts two exhibitions. 在布劳歇画廊 2024年高级艺术展 showcases capstone projects by graduating Studio Art Seniors made across a variety of themes and artistic media. 在凯默家族画廊 拥有和持有 is an exhibition of recent acquisitions to the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 Art Collection, alongside collection highlights selected by the museum’s current curatorial student workers Brett Olson ’24 and Alex Tananbaum ’25. 

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 在各个校区与教师举行甜点招待会:

  • 日本园林中的非洲研究
  • (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • American Studies on the lawn west of Goodsell Observatory, by the tree closest to Goodsell (雨:古德赛尔天文台大堂)
  • 博楼堂前草坪上的艺术与艺术史 (雨:波楼堂主楼)
  • 亚洲语言 & 日本园林中的文学 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 日本园林中的亚洲研究 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 在胡林斯大厅前的草坪上生物课 (雨:Hulings Hall中庭)
  • 安德森厅露天剧场的化学讲座(雨:安德森厅东端中庭)
  • Cinema and Media Studies in the Weitz Center For Creativity, Commons & 院子里
  • 日本园林中的经典 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 奥林大厅北边草坪上的认知科学(雨:奥林大厅东北大厅,靠近奥林大厅141 & 149)
  • 校友招待所天井的计算机科学 (Rain: Weitz Center For Creativity 236)
  • 在威茨创意中心跳舞 & 院子里
  • 伯顿霍尔露台上的经济学 (雨:塞尔斯山 & 中庭)
  • Educational Studies on the lawn west of Goodsell Observatory, by the tree closest to Goodsell (雨:古德赛尔天文台大堂)
  • 在莱尔德大厅南边的草坪上讲英语 (雨:领主厅二楼酒廊)
  • Environmental Studies on the lawn west of Goodsell Observatory, by the tree closest to Goodsell (雨:古德赛尔天文台大堂)
  • 日本花园里的法语 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 性别、妇女 & 莉顿大厅南边草坪上的性学研究 (雨:莱顿大厅二楼)
  • 安德森厅圆形剧场的地质学 (雨:安徒生堂中庭东端)
  • 日本花园里的德语和俄语 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 莉顿大厅南边草坪上的历史 (雨:莱顿大厅二楼)
  • 日本花园中的拉丁美洲研究 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 日本园林中的语言学 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • Mathematics and Statistics on the patio between the 数学与计算机中心 and Boliou Hall (雨: 数学与计算机中心 大堂)
  • 日本花园中的中东语言 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 威茨创意中心的音乐,公共资源 & 院子里
  • 奥林大厅北边草坪上的神经科学 (雨:奥林东北大厅,由奥林141 & 149)
  • 雷顿大厅南边草坪上的哲学 (雨:莱顿大厅二楼)
  • Physics and Astronomy on the patio between the 数学与计算机中心 and Boliou Hall (雨:奥林大厅北大厅由奥林104 & 106)
  • 哈森斯塔布大厅和天井的政治学 
  • 奥林大厅北边草坪上的心理学 (雨:奥林大厅东北大厅,由奥林大厅141 & 149)
  • 雷顿厅南边草坪上的宗教 (雨:莱顿大厅二楼)
  • 社会学和人类学在莱顿大厅南边的草坪上 (雨:莱顿大厅二楼)
  • 日本花园里的西班牙语 (雨:沃森大厅休息室)
  • 维茨创意中心剧院,公共资源 & 院子里

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Garden party For graduating seniors and their loved ones with President Byerly at Nutting House (雨:Weitz Center For creative Commons)

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Entertainment and perFormances by student groups in Boliou Hall 104.

8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Phi Beta Kappa Ceremony and Reception at Skinner Memorial Chapel.


毕业典礼将在秃点举行. Although there are several shade trees, some seating is in the direct sun. We advise you to bring water and to consider wearing a hat and sunglasses For your comFort. Water bottles can be filled inside any campus building and water bottle refilling stations are located near the back of Skinner Memorial Chapel.


7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Complimentary continental breakfast will be provided at the Language and Dining Center. 

7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 塞尔斯咖啡小吃店在塞尔斯山校园中心开业.

7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Graduates check-in tables open near Boliou Hall and Goodsell Observatory. *Graduates watch For signage directing you to the correct area. 

7:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.The Mortar Board Honors Society will have bouquets of flowers For families to purchase to honor their graduates. There will be a table set up along the sidewalk on the south side of the seating area beFore the ceremony.  Thanks For supporting Mortar Board, and congratulations to your student!

8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 塞尔斯山校园中心书店开业.

8:50 a.m. Graduates line up along the sidewalks from Goodsell Observatory to the 数学与计算机中心 and will be directed by the Provost’s Office staff.

9:20 a.m. 从莱尔德礼堂出发的学术队伍.

9:30 a.m. 毕业典礼在秃点举行.

11:25 a.m. 祝贺你们,2024届的毕业生们! 你做到了!

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Complimentary box lunches provided at the BIG TENT between the Skinner Memorial Chapel parking lot and James Hall parking lot.

2:00 p.m. All residential seniors must be moved out of campus housing no later than 2:00 p.m.


See you soon at events, Convocations, Family Weekend, and Reunions!

参观 毕业典礼上网站 了解更多信息.